you kiss me

i just had a sudden feeling to update this. my school life had been great so far. besides the fact that my dearest friend, niena, had just moved to another school. without telling. we'll miss you niena. no joke. we can meet sometimes, right ?

i remembered that spelling thing we had in class, i wanted to win it so bad. but they beat me to it. either that or i was literally invisible. went to ain's and iman's place. they kinda cheered me up. ainimanme

ish, geram ah
alah, chill, there's still next year
hadiah dia tak best pun, diorg bagi biskut je
haha, bongok

thanks imon, ain. much love. anyway, u-kiss' fanmeeting is on this mid term break. there is a huge chance that i can go because it's after the exams. thank god. but one problem, the ticket pricing. it's so damn expensive. but i have a feeling that it's worth it, since it is a once in lifetime chance. am i right ? tho, i have the money. i just wanted someone to accompany me. ain can't go. she really really wanted to go but she kinda can predict what her parent's are going to say about it. iman's in the progress of telling her mom. me, on the other hand, need to brave up and ask my mom. wish me luck. lol

well. that's all for the update. yah, geocho*. kidding >:8)

*geocho means get lost
**i love brian joo