
this photo right here is one of the 631 photos i saved last night. thanks to nabihah for the fuck yeah website, my life is filled with photos. of awfully hot guys. thanks.

speaking of nabihah, she didn't come to school today. why'd you do that bitch ? lmao, k, sorry. she left me alone in that cold dark corner of my seemingly cold class. well, i sit beside the window so, it's kinda windy at times. but, yeah. so afiqah sat beside me. nothing much really happened today.

beeteedoubleyou, the photo there, yes, up there, is a photo from a drama which i'm so totally in love with. it's on kbs. so, you don't need to watch it. i'm fucking serious. lmao. but seriously. oh my god, i seriously do not know why does this post even exists. i need to get out more. ugh. k, bye.